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Every Friday you can catch me dJiing online
between 6-7pm(Eastern)I'll be going through my vinyl collection to see what I got again. I'll catalog what I'll play and comment on tracks if they bring back any memories. Music will mostly be break beats. But I also collected some house, techno, 80 & 90s hiphop and classic rock. Thanks for listening with me. You can follow me directly by clicking here.
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recorded on the east coast
Breakbeats, as in "A breakbeat" have been known and used for around a hundred years, and are widely known for being sampled by many early producers of hip hop, where the "break" in a song, usually only a few seconds long, is looped to create basis for an entire new song.
Who Am I
Been breaking beats across North America since 1992
Marty McFly
Breaks dJ - Downtown Canada
dJ MartyMcFly is one of Canada's original breakbeat dJs. He started mixing back in 1992 and continues to break beats today by combining the oldskool funkybreaks of yesterday with the newskool digital bass of today. Both dJs and music lovers can order his music either via his beatport page or using itunes.
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